Friday 5 September 2014

Keluarga lelaki berkata POLIS Texas TEMBAK Skizofrenia 80 kali, MEMBUNUH DIA (VIDEO)

Reuters/Mike Stone

Srikandi - Polis di Laredo, Texas melepaskan tembakan ke atas seorang lelaki menderita Skizofrenia 'OKU' bersenjatakan senapang pelet minggu ini, membunuh beliau selepas melepaskan ke atas sebanyak 80 tembakan, menurut keluarga mangsa.

6 pegawai dari Jabatan Polis Laredo telah ditugaskan semula untuk tugas pen-tadbiran sementara kerajaan menyiasat kejadian itu, yang berlaku awal pagi Sabtu di luar berhenti trak di bahagian selatan Negeri Lone Star.

Menurut pihak berkuasa, polis menggunakan kira-kira 5 minit cuba untuk berunding dengan Jose berusia 30 tahun Walter Garza sebelum lelaki itu membuat satu "isyarat menyakitkan hati," maka dikatakan bertujuan bakal senjata - senjata pelet dibuat menyerupai senapang setengah automatik, mengikut Laredo Morning Times - pada polis yang kemudiannya melepaskan tembakan.

"Dia meletakkan jarinya ke dalam pengawal picu dan ia menunjuk pada pegawai," Joe E. Baeza, seorang pegawai penyiasat polis dan jurucakap, memberitahu akhbar itu.

Penguatkuasaan undang-undang telah membuka sejak siasatan untuk menda-patkan ke bawah kejadian itu, tetapi Andrea Martinez, sepupu Garza ini, kepada New York Daily News bahawa polis menembak tidak kurang daripada 80 kali. Rakaman pengawasan dari kamera di perhentian trak sejak itu telah diterbitkan dalam talian, tetapi sudut ia telah difilemkan dari menunjukkan hanya tembakan maut, dan bukan bagaimana Garza bertindak terlebih dahulu.

Family says Texas police shot at Schizophrenic man 80 times, killing him (VIDEO) . . .

Police in Laredo, Texas opened fire on a schizophrenic man armed with a pellet gun this week, killing him after unleashing upwards of 80 shots, according to the victim’s family.

Six officers from the Laredo Police Department have been reassigned to administrative duties while officials investigate the incident, which occurred early Saturday morning outside of a truck stop in the southern part of the Lone Star State.

According to authorities, police spent around five minutes attempting to negotiate with 30-year-old Jose Walter Garza before the man made an “offensive gesture,” then allegedly aimed the would-be weapon - a pellet gun made to resemble a semiautomatic handgun, according to the Laredo Morning Times - at the cops who then opened fire.

“He put his finger in the trigger guard and pointed it at the officers,” Joe E. Baeza, an investigator and police spokesperson, told the paper.

Law enforcement has since opened a probe in order to get to the bottom of the incident, but Andrea Martinez, Garza’s cousin, told the New York Daily News that police shot no fewer than 80 times. Surveillance footage from a camera at the truck stop has since been published online, but the angle it was filmed from shows only the fatal shots, and not how Garza acted beforehand.

Walaupun siasatan baru sahaja bermula, Ketua Polis Laredo Ray Garner mem-beritahu Houston Chronicle bahawa polis telah bertindak dalam hak-hak mereka apabila mereka tembak Garza.

"Pegawai-pegawai ini, walaupun wajar, akan perlu untuk menjalankan bahawa sekitar dengan mereka untuk sepanjang hidup mereka," kata Ketua Polis Laredo Ray Garner memberitahu Houston Chronicle. "Saya telah dalam hubungan dengan semua 6 daripada pegawai-pegawai dari malam itu sampai hari ini. Mereka seolah-olah tergugat. Tiada pegawai pergi ke kerja berfikir mereka akan membunuh seseorang."

"Kami sedang mengkaji semua aspek mungkin, dengan harapan untuk bercakap dengan semua orang yang mungkin saksi atau mungkin pernah mempunyai jangka masuk dengan individu ini," Baeza, penyiasat itu memberitahu Daily News. "Mereka ada banyak alasan untuk menutupinya."

Garza mengambil ubat-ubatan preskripsi untuk skizofrenia, keluarganya mem-beritahu Daily News, dan mungkin telah bertindak mengganggu jika dia tidak mengambil ubat-ubatan itu.

Tetapi "beliau tidak akan mendapat agresif, dia tidak akan menyakiti sesiapa," kata Martinez kepada Daily News. "Dia anak yg baik. Mengapa mereka tidak menem-bak dia di kaki, atau lengan atau sesuatu? Tidak seperti itu."

"Garza terkenal kepada pegawai," Baeza ditambah dengan kertas: "dia hendak ditangkap oleh jabatan tempatan 30 masa yang berlainan, atas tuduhan dari serangan pekhidmat awam & kecurian utk serangan menyebabkan kecederaan tubuh badan dan menceroboh jenayah." ia tidak jelas, bagaimanapun, jika pegawai menyedari keadaan mental mangsa.

Menurut sepupu, Garza, yang mati di tempat kejadian, "tidak mempunyai muka" oleh masa yang keluarganya terpaksa mengenal pasti mayat.

Although the investigation has only just begun, Laredo Police Chief Ray Garner told the Houston Chronicle that cops acted within their rights when they shot Garza.

“These officers, although justified, are going to have to carry that around with them for the rest of their lives,” Laredo Police Chief Ray Garner told the Houston Chronicle. "I've been in contact with all six of the officers from that evening through today. They seem to be holding up. No officer goes to work thinking they're going to kill somebody.”

“We are looking at all possible aspects, hoping to speak to all possible people who are eyewitnesses or may have had a run in with this individual,” Baeza, the investigator, told Daily News. “There’s a lot of ground to cover.”

Garza takes prescription drugs for schizophrenia, his family told the Daily News, and may have been acting disruptive if he hadn’t taken his medication.

But "he wouldn't get aggressive, he wouldn't hurt anyone," Martinez said to the Daily News. "He's a good kid. Why didn't they shoot him in the leg, or the arm or something? Not like that."

“Garza was well known to officers,” Baeza added to the paper: "he’d been arrested by the local department 30 different times, on charges ranging from assault of a public servant and theft to assault causing bodily injury and criminal trespassing.” It’s not clear, however, if the officers were aware of the victim’s mental condition.

According to the cousin, Garza, who died at the scene, “had no face” by the time his family had to identify the body.

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