Sunday 27 July 2014

ISRAEL, Hamas BERSETUJU untuk TANGGUH Selama 12 Jam dalam Pertempuran GAZA . . .

Srikandi גבורה Israel dan Hamas telah bersetuju untuk berhenti selama 12 jam dalam pertempuran Gaza yang bermula pada 7 pagi waktu Israel (0400 GMT) pada hari Sabtu. Amerika Syarikat, sebagai sebahagian daripada perbincangan di Mesir, adalah menolak untuk gencatan senjata selama 7 hari bermula hari ini.

Rasmi, yang bercakap dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan, mengulas kenyataan sebelum ini Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat John Kerry yang beliau pada sidang akhbar di Kaherah.

Jurucakap Sami Abu Zuhri menegaskan bahawa Hamas, bersama-sama dengan semua kumpulan militan di Gaza, telah bersetuju untuk gencatan senjata sementara. Beliau menegaskan bahawa langkah itu dikemukakan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.

Sebelum itu, Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat John Kerry pada sidang akhbar di Kaherah bahawa Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu kelihatan bersedia untuk menyelesaikan krisis yang semakin meningkat antara Gaza dan Israel.

"Perdana Menteri Netanyahu telah menyatakan kesanggupan untuk berbuat demikian sebagai wajah bayaran pendahuluan yang baik dan untuk bergerak ke hadapan," kata Kerry dan kemudian menambah bahawa "kemajuan yang serius" telah dibuat pada gencatan senjata tetapi terdapat lebih banyak kerja yang perlu dilakukan, Reuters melaporkan.

Menurut kenyataan oleh Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat lebih awal pada hari Jumaat, perjanjian yg telah dicari untuk gencatan senjata kemanusiaan 7 hari antara Israel dan Hamas semasa percutian Islam Eid al-Fitr yang bermula minggu depan.

"Kami sedang berusaha ke arah yang singkat 7 hari keamanan. 7 hari gencatan senjata kemanusiaan bagi meraikan Hari Raya agar dapat membawa rakyat bersama-sama untuk cuba untuk bekerja untuk mewujudkan lebih tahan lama, gencatan senjata yang berkekalan untuk (tempoh) panjang, "Kerry pada sidang akhbar di Kaherah, yang telah berkhidmat sebagai tuan rumah untuk menghubungi antara Hamas dan kerajaan Israel.

Jeda yang akan datang di Gaza sekurang-kurangnya seolah-olah menunjukkan kema-juan yang telah dibuat ke arah mencapai gencatan senjata kemanusiaan yang lebih lama.

Kerry menunjukkan bahawa draf cadangan gencatan senjata tidak lagi dihasilkan. "Kami masih mempunyai beberapa istilah . . . untuk bekerja melalui, tetapi kami yakin bahawa kita mempunyai rangka kerja asas yang boleh dan akhirnya akan bekerja," kata Kerry.

Pengumuman Jumaat ini dibuat dalam sidang akhbar oleh Kerry, dengan Menteri Luar Mesir Sameh Shukri dan Setiausaha Agung PBB Ban Ki-moon yang berdiri di sam-pingnya.

ISRAEL, Hamas AGREE to 12-hour PAUSE in Gaza HOSTILITIES . .

Israel and Hamas have agreed to a 12-hour pause in Gaza hostilities which started at 7 a.m. Israeli time (0400 GMT) on Saturday. The US, as part of talks in Egypt, is pushing for a seven-day truce starting Monday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, commented on US Secretary of State John Kerry’s earlier statement which he made at a press conference in Cairo.

Spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri confirmed that Hamas, along with all militant groups in Gaza, have agreed to the temporary ceasefire. He stressed that the move was put forward by the United Nations.

Earlier, US Secretary of State John Kerry told a press conference in Cairo that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears willing to resolve the escalating crisis between Gaza and Israel.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has indicated his willingness to do that as a good face down payment and to move forward," Kerry said and then added that "serious progress" had been made on a truce but there was more work to do, Reuters reports.

According to a statement by US Secretary of State earlier on Friday, a deal was being sought for a seven-day humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas during the Muslim Eid al-Fitr holiday beginning next week.

"We are working toward a brief seven days of peace. Seven days of a humanitarian ceasefire in honor of Eid in order to be able to bring people together to try to work to create a more durable, sustainable ceasefire for the long (term)," Kerry told a news conference in Cairo, which has served as host to contact between Hamas and Israel's government.

The upcoming pause in the Gaza operation at least seems to indicate that progress has been made towards arriving at a longer humanitarian ceasefire.

Kerry indicated that a draft truce proposal had not yet been produced. "We still have some terminology ... to work through, but we are confident that we have a fundamental framework that can and will ultimately work," Kerry said.

Friday’s announcement was made during a news conference by Kerry, with Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon standing alongside him.

Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat John Kerry (L) memandang Menteri Luar Mesir Sameh Shukri dalam satu sidang akhbar di sebuah hotel di Kaherah 25 julai 2014 (U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) looks at Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri during a news conference at a hotel in Cairo July 25, 2014 (Reuters)

Menteri Pertahanan Israel mengisyaratkan Gaza untuk meluaskan

Pada masa yang sama, jeda yang diumumkan dalam kempen Gaza IDF datang hanya sebagai Menteri Pertahanan Moshe Yaalon beri amaran bahawa negara ini mungkin meluaskan operasi daratnya "dengan ketara."

Dipetik Yaalon oleh pejabat beliau sebagai memberitahu tentera dikerahkan dalam bidang yang "anda perlu bersedia untuk kemungkinan bahawa tidak lama lagi kita akan mengarahkan tentera untuk ketara memperluaskan operasi darat di Gaza."

IDF dipaparkan di akaun Twitter bahawa walaupun "tetingkap kemanusiaan di Gaza," ia akan masih terus mencari dan meneutralkan terowong keganasan.

IDF juga memberi amaran bahawa ia akan "bertindak balas jika pengganas memilih untuk mengeksploitasi masa ini untuk menyerang."

Menurut Israel 31 terowong tentera Hamas ditemui setakat separuh telah dimus-nahkan. IDF menyatakan bahawa terowong itu menimbulkan ancaman strategik kepada Israel, dan digunakan oleh Hamas untuk menembusi wilayahnya.

Walaupun tanpa peningkatan lagi, Israel telah diuruskan tangan yang berat kepada Gaza, dengan lebih daripada 820 rakyat Palestin dilaporkan terbunuh dan lebih 5,200 cedera akibat pengeboman dan penggunaan tentera darat. Ada 3/4 daripada yang mati, dan majoriti yang cedera adalah orang awam menurut PBB.

Di Israel, sementara itu, 38 orang terbunuh setakat ini sejak pertempuran meletus pada 8 Julai Jumlah itu termasuk 35 askar, 2 orang awam Israel dan seorang pekerja Thai, menurut AP.

Protes berlaku di Tebing Barat dan di seluruh DUNIA

Sebagai Gaza telah berlarutan, protes pemasangan di seluruh DUNIA, kedua-dua dalam menyokong Israel dan mengutuk dakwaan pencabulan hak asasi manusia oleh IDF di wilayah-wilayah Palestin. 

Khususnya, kematian 16 rakyat Palestin terbunuh dalam serangan Israel di sebuah sekolah rendah di Gaza di bawah perlindungan PBB seolah-olah memburukkan lagi keadaan. Lebih daripada 100 orang tercedera dalam serangan itu, termasuk wanita, kanak-kanak dan bayi.

Beribu-ribu rakyat Palestin bertempur dgn tentera Israel di sebuah pusat pemeriksaan di Tebing Barat di timur Baitulmaqdis pada hari Khamis, menandakan permulaan protes terbesar dalam tahun-tahun di Tebing Barat.

Pada hari Jumaat insiden dilaporkan dari kampung utara Hawara berhampiran Nablus ke kampung selatan Beit Omar, berhampiran Hebron. Di Hawara beratus-ratus pen-duduk kampung menunjukkan selepas solat Jumaat. 4 orang cedera dalam protes mereka, salah seorang daripada mereka, yg berusia 19 thn, mati di Hospital Rafidiyeh di Nablus, menurut Datuk Bandar Hawara ini.

Juga di Hawara yang berusia 22 tahun terbunuh selepas tentera Israel melepaskan tembakan ke atas penunjuk perasaan Palestin. Menurut jurucakap polis Israel, Mickey Rosenfeld, pegawai sempadan telah melepaskan tembakan untuk menyuraikan orang ramai, yang dilaporkan membuang firebombs pada polis.

Protes menyokong Gaza dan masyarakat awamnya Palestin telah berlaku di bandar-bandar di seluruh DUNIA. Walaupun sebahagian besarnya aman, polis Perancis telah mengharamkan dirancang protes pro-Palestin selepas demonstrasi sebelum mengha-silkan keganasan. 

Pada hari Rabu ribuan berkumpul di Paris untuk menyatakan perpaduan dengan Gaza, dan telah tersebar apabila polis melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan menahan kira-kira 16 orang. Penganjur demonstrasi pro-Palestin telah dilaporkan memfailkan saman terhadap pengharaman itu.

Israel's Defense Minister hints Gaza operation to be broadened

At the same time, the announced pause in the IDF’s Gaza campaign came just as Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon warned that the country might broaden its ground operation “significantly.”

Yaalon was quoted by his office as telling troops deployed in the field that "you need to be ready for the possibility that very soon we will instruct the military to significantly broaden the ground operation in Gaza."

The IDF posted on its Twitter account that despite the “humanitarian window in Gaza,” it will still continue to locate and neutralize terror tunnels.

The IDF also warned that it will “respond if terrorists choose to exploit this time to attack.”

According to Israel of 31 Hamas military tunnels discovered so far half have been destroyed. The IDF maintains that such tunnels pose a strategic threat to Israel, and are used by Hamas to penetrate its territory.

Even without further escalation, Israel has dealt a heavy hand upon Gaza, with more than 820 Palestinians reported dead and over 5,200 wounded as a result of bombardment and the use of ground forces. Some three-fourths of the dead and a majority of the wounded are civilians according to the UN.

In Israel, meanwhile, 38 people have been killed so far since hostilities erupted on July 8. That number includes 35 soldiers, two Israeli civilians and a Thai worker, according to the AP.

Protests take place in West Bank and Around the WORLD

As the Gaza operation has dragged on, protests have been mounting around the world, both in support of Israel and to decry alleged human rights violations by the IDF in the Palestinian territories. In particular, the deaths of 16 Palestinians killed during an Israeli attack on an elementary school in Gaza under UN protection seemed to further exacerbate the situation. More than 100 were wounded during that attack, including women, children and infants.

Thousands of Palestinians clashed with Israeli forces at a West Bank checkpoint in east Jerusalem on Thursday, marking the beginning of the largest protests in years in the West Bank.

On Friday incidents were reported from the northern village of Hawara near Nablus to the southern village of Beit Omar, near Hebron. In Hawara hundreds of villagers demonstrated after Friday prayers. Four people were hurt during those protests, one of whom, a 19-year-old, died at Rafidiyeh Hospital in Nablus, according to Hawara’s mayor.

Also in Hawara a 22-year-old was killed after Israeli troops opened fire on Palestinian demonstrators. According to a spokesman for Israeli police, Mickey Rosenfeld, border officers had opened fire to disperse the crowd, which were reportedly throwing firebombs at police.

Protests in support of Gaza and its civilian Palestinian community have been taking place in cities around the world. Though largely peaceful, in France police have banned planned pro-Palestinian protests after prior demonstrations resulted in violence. On Wednesday thousands had gathered in Paris to express solidarity with Gazans, and were dispersed when police fired tear gas and arrested some 16 people. Organizers of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations have reportedly filed lawsuit against the ban.

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